Your product has the potential to improve health for countless people, but the journey from concept to commercialization is demanding and complex. To confidently create a product development plan and seamlessly move from milestone to milestone, it takes a comprehensive MedTech CRO with global capabilities. It Takes Avania.  

Avania Is Your MedTech Industry Advantage

As a global, end-to-end CRO with dedicated expertise in MedTech, our integrated approach to product development — complete with customizable solutions in product design and engineering, global regulatory and clinical strategy, data analytics, quality and compliance, clinical trial execution, market access, reimbursement, health economics and patient access — allows clients to see immediate movement toward their corporate and commercial goals.  

Working as an extension of your team, our world class MedTech experts have the global know-how and the regional footprint needed to advance your medical technology from innovation to commercialization, improving patient health and well-being. Whether you need turn—key or ad-hoc support with product development, early planning for market opportunity and strategic reimbursement, regulatory strategy, or clinical trial execution, Avania has you covered. Because your goals are our goals, and your success is our success.  

What You Get When You Partner With The MedTech CRO

900 + Medical Device & Diagnostic Projects

400 + Medical Device & Diagnostic Clinical Trials

350 + Regulatory

30 + Breakthrough


iso certified company

ISO 9001:2015


ISO 13485:2016


ISO/IEC 27001*


AdvaMed - Advanced Medical Technology Association

*Please view our global reach for specific locations of certification

Advance your MedTech product with the team who has what it takes. It takes specialized expertise. It takes global resources. It takes integrated solutions.
It Takes Avania.

Let's Talk